Most public transport ends around 00:00 at midnight and restarts around 06:00-06:30 in Istanbul, except for Metrobus which works 24/7 but gets less frequent after midnight. Certain subway lines also work 24 hours on weekends but charge double the price (metro lines: M1A, M1B, M2, M4, M5, M6, M7)

Here are the timetables of some of the most commonly used public transportation lines in Istanbul:
Public transportation times in Istanbul:
T1 tram line (06:00 – 00:00)
M2 metro line (06:00 – 00:00) during weekdays, and 24 hours but double price after midnight on Weekends (from Saturday 00:00 till Sunday 23:59)
F1 funicular line (06:00 – 00:00)
F2 funicular line (06:00 – 00:00)
Marmaray (06:00 – 22:50) during weekdays, 06:00 – 01:20 on weekends
M1 metro line (06:00 – 00:00) during weekdays, and 24 hours but double price after midnight on Weekends (from Saturday 00:00 till Sunday 23:59)
M4 metro line (06:00 – 00:00) during weekdays, and 24 hours but double price after midnight on Weekends (from Saturday 00:00 till Sunday 23:59)
How much does public transportation cost in Istanbul?
Ferries have complex time schedules changing even in opposite directions of the same line, for ferry timetables, please visit this site: